Snaps from the Sunday Flea Market, at The Substation in Armenia Street, circa early to mid-90s, mostly of my own table, and some others (all posted below ;p). I progressed from a single table selling trading cards, to renting two tables whenever I held a comicbook sale (for which I advertised in the classifieds section of the weekend newspaper!
Rental per Sunday included a foldable (formica top) table - with a hole drilled in the middle, a large umbrella to fit thru the hole - anchored to a cement-base, and two stools. All for SGD$5. THAT's how long ago it was hahahahaha
At one period, even my younger sister was working for The Substation, taking care of the flea market. I would remember coming in earlier and helping her sweep the grounds off the fallen leaves, before folks come in to set up their tables.
A sense of indie-DIY was strong then, unlike the commercial appeal these days. But then again, sales were not great decades back, as folks perhaps struggled with the notion of "paying for second hand goods" haha