#Found #CassetteStash

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

Nothing exemplified the 80s better than "cassette tapes", for me personally. And while they went well beyond the 90s, I had by then shifted my focus to Compact Discs ("CDs"), and ironically as digital downloads are the norm in this generation, I still look for the odd CD of songs from long ago., most and maily from the lone uncle at China CSquare Central on Sundays - where every once in a while, when I have cash in my pockets - i'd go flipping thru the stacks of CDs on his table, collections of which were mainly from over a decade ago and before, which suited me to a T LOL

I remember being in Bandung circa 2009, and finding out the robust cassette tape scene there, and relishing the influx of memories haha

These days, they are less for audio fidelity purposes than for "collectibility", the value not measured in the dollars and cents, but in the memories they hold between the two spools.

Here are just a few snaps of a stash I came across recently :)

#Found #CassetteStash #henglife #SoftCell #StrawberrySwitchblade #BEST

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

2 of my utter fav bands - Soft Cell and Strawberry Switchblade!

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

never could resist the new romantics ;)

**More images HERE on Tunes-Talk (post-80s albums and bands :p)

