"The New Romantics: A Fine Romance" is a 2001 feature documentary, which takes a look at the movement born from the London club scene at the beginning of the 80s.
IMDb lists Sharon Walker as the director, with voice over narration by Magenta Devine. I've attempted to screengrab the cast credits, which essentially showcases the bands whom appeared in the 45-minuter (also music listed here), all of whom are familiar names to my Soundtrack To Life (FLASHBACK WITH ME ON TUNESTALKSG), growing up, although you might argue I am still living in the 80s, and I will not deny that accusation, cheers.
Reliving the 80s on #TUNESTALKSG: https://t.co/q33dNMdg9L#80smusic#toysrevilblogs pic.twitter.com/JFIe98xJPc
— toysrevil (@toysrevil) August 22, 2022